# Ruins data management file. Below, you see all data accumulated by AtomicStrykers Ruins during the last run of this World. # Data is noted as follows: Each line stands for one successfull Ruin spawn. Data syntax is: # xMin yMin zMin xMax yMax zMax templateName # everything but the last value is an integer value. Template name equals the template file name. # # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE UNLESS YOU ARE SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING # # The primary function of this file is to lock areas you do not want Ruins spawning in. Put them here before worldgen. # It should also prevent Ruins re-spawning under any circumstances. Areas registered in here block any overlapping new Ruins. # Empty lines and those prefixed by '#' are ignored by the parser. Don't save notes in here, file gets wiped upon flushing. # 222 127 135 229 135 142 Outcrop.tml