The main purpose of this file is to register new dimensions and set script configs for them. It is also where WorldInfo scripts and BiomePrinters are set. setPortal: Arguments: byte, int, int, String Usage: portal ID, first dimension ID, second dimension ID, block ID Notes: Sets the portal of the provided id to be made of the provided block and travel between the two provided dimensions. Portal ID can be set to anything between -128 and 127 addBiomePrinter: Arguments: int, int, int, int, int, int Usage: dimension ID, height, width, spacing, startX, startZ Notes: Used to add a biome printer for the selected dimension. I suggest 500 height, 500 width, 10 spacing, 0 startX, 0 startZ for most cases. This can take a long time, or even run the game out of memory in extreme cases, if the size is set too high. Images are saved to config/dimensionalcontrol/output and overwrite eachother. addBiomePrinter: Arguments: int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean Usage: dimension ID, height, width, spacing, startX, startZ, overwrite Notes: Used to add a biome printer for the selected dimension. I suggest 500 height, 500 width, 10 spacing, 0 startX, 0 startZ for most cases. This can take a long time, or even run the game out of memory in extreme cases, if the size is set too high. Images are saved to config/dimensionalcontrol/output and overwrite eachother if overwrite is set to true. setPortalIgniter: Arguments: String Usage: item ID Notes: Sets the portal igniter. This is the item that will be used to ignite any custom portals. addDimension: Arguments: int Usage: dimension ID Notes: Used to add a dimension with this id using the default overworld WorldProvider. setScriptForDimension: Arguments: int, String Usage: dimension ID, script name Notes: Sets the dimension script for the provided dimensionID. The script will be searched for in config/dimensionalcontrol/dimensions/. setGlobalWorldInfo: Arguments: String Usage: script name Notes: Sets the script to be used for global world info options. setWorldInfoForDimension: Arguments: String, int Usage: script name, dimension ID Notes: Sets the script to be used for the provided dimensions world info options.