The role of a BiomeProvider is to handle the generation of the dimensions biome map. This particular type uses a layer based system to generate a complex biome map in the same way as the vanilla Overworld. addBiome: Arguments: String, Non_Null_Biome_ID, int Usage: biome type, biome id, weight Notes: Adds the provided biome id to the provided type with the provided weight. Type options are "Ocean", "Desert", "Warm", "Cool", "Icy". addBiome: Arguments: String, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: biome type, biome id Notes: Adds the provided biome id to the provided type with a weight of 1. Type options are "Ocean", "Desert", "Warm", "Cool", "Icy". addBiomeEdge: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID_Array, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: target biome IDs, edge biome ID Notes: Adds a biome edge for the provided biomes with no whitelist or blacklist. addBiomeEdge: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID_Array, Biome_ID_Array, Biome_ID_Array, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: target biome IDs, whitelist, blacklist, edge biome ID Notes: Adds a biome edge for the provided biomes with a whitelist and blacklist. setBiomeSize: Arguments: int Usage: biome size Notes: Sets the biome size. setOceanSize: Arguments: String Usage: ocean size ID Default Values: Default Notes: Sets the ocean size for the dimension. Options are "Small", "Default", "Large". setMutation: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: base biome ID, mutation biome ID Notes: Sets the mutation biome for the provided biomeID. setSpecialBiome: Arguments: String, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: biome type, special biome ID Notes: Sets the special biome for the provided type. Type options are "Ocean", "Desert", "Warm", "Cool", "Icy". setHill: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID, Non_Null_Biome_ID_Array Usage: base biome ID, hill biome IDs Notes: Sets the hill biomes for the provided biomeID. setRiverBiome: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: base biome ID, river biome ID Notes: Sets the river biome for the provided biomeID. addBiomeShore: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID_Array, Biome_ID_Array, Biome_ID_Array, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: target biome IDs, whitelist, blacklist, shore biome ID Notes: Adds a biome shore for the provided biomes with a whitelist and blacklist. addBiomeShore: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID_Array, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: target biome IDs, shore biome ID Notes: Adds a biome shore for the provided biomes with no whitelist or blacklist. disableDeepOceanLayer: Arguments: None Notes: Disables the deep ocean layer. setSpecialVariantChance: Arguments: int Usage: chance Notes: Sets the global chance for the special variant biome to be used. The chance is 1 in the provided number. setSpecialVariantChance: Arguments: String, int Usage: biome type, chance Notes: Sets the chance for the special variant biome to be used for the provided type. The chance is 1 in the provided number. Type options are "Ocean", "Desert", "Warm", "Cool", "Icy". setSpecialVariantBiome: Arguments: String, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: biome type, special variant biome ID Notes: Sets the special variant biome for the provided type. Type options are "Ocean", "Desert", "Warm", "Cool", "Icy". disableMushroomIslandLayer: Arguments: None Notes: Disables the mushroom island layer.