This extends BlockReplacement. Therefore, any scripting methods in BlockReplacement can be used for block replacements of this type. This is a basic block replacement with a min and max height setting. setReplacement: Arguments: String, int Usage: block ID, meta Notes: Sets the block replacement and meta. setReplacement: Arguments: String Usage: block ID Notes: Sets the block replacement with a meta of 0. setMaxHeight: Arguments: int Usage: height Default Values: 256 Notes: Sets the max height for this block replacement. setMinHeight: Arguments: int Usage: height Default Values: 0 Notes: Sets the min height for this block replacement. setBlockToReplace: Arguments: String Usage: block ID Notes: Sets the block to be replaced with a meta of 0. setBlockToReplace: Arguments: String, int Usage: block ID, meta Notes: Sets the block and meta to be replaced. addGenerationPoint: Arguments: String Usage: Generation_Point_ID Notes: Adds a generation point for this block replacement to be run at. Options in order of first to last occurance in generation are: "BIOME_BLOCK_REPLACEMENT", "POPULATE_CHUNK_PRE", "DECORATE_CHUNK_PRE", "DECORATE_CHUNK_POST", "POPULATE_CHUNK_POST", "WORLD_GENERATOR_FIRST", "WORLD_GENERATOR_LAST"