A more configurable version of GenLayerBiomeDC. Replaces the heat map with a pseudo-random weighted biome map. For the vanilla heat map, normally 1 is desert, 2 is warm, 3 is cool, 4 is icy. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: base layer seed, parent Notes: Constructs the layer with the seed and parent. addBiome: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID, Non_Null_Biome_ID, int Usage: heat ID, biome ID, weight Notes: Adds the provided biome id to the provided heat id with the provided weight. What heat ids are available depends on the GenLayer used before this. addBiome: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: heat ID, biome ID Notes: Adds the provided biome id to the provided heat id with a weight of 1. What heat ids are available depends on the GenLayer used before this setSpecialBiome: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: heat ID, biome ID Notes: Sets the special biome for the provided heat id. What heat ids are available depends on the GenLayer used before this. setSpecialVariantChance: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID, int Usage: heat ID, chance Notes: Sets the chance for the special variant biome to be used for the provided heat id. The chance is 1 in the provided number. What heat ids are available depends on the GenLayer used before this. setSpecialVariantChance: Arguments: int Usage: chance Notes: Sets the global chance for the special variant biome to be used. This will set the chance for all heat ids. Set this before you set specific ones or it will overwrite. The chance is 1 in the provided number. setSpecialVariantBiome: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID, Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: heat ID, biome ID Notes: Sets the special variant biome for the provided heat id. What heat ids are available depends on the GenLayer used before this.