Not all options tested for dimension specific use. Some options may have unforseen results when used dimension specific. setSeed: Arguments: Long Usage: seed Notes: Sets the world seed. setThundering: Arguments: Boolean Notes: Sets permanent thundering. setWorldType: Arguments: String Usage: WorldType ID Notes: Sets the world type. setDifficulty: Arguments: String Usage: difficulty Notes: Sets the difficulty. Options are "Peaceful", "Easy", "Normal", "Hard". setRaining: Arguments: Boolean Notes: Sets permanent raining. setCommandsAllowed: Arguments: Boolean Notes: Sets if commands are allowed. setGeneratorOptions: Arguments: String Usage: vanilla generation options string Notes: Sets the generator options string. This is the string used by the vanilla Customized world type for customizing the world. setMapFeaturesEnabled: Arguments: Boolean Notes: Sets if map features are enabled. setDifficultyLocked: Arguments: Boolean Notes: Sets if the difficulty is locked.